New school New beginnings

Hello Again,

    Its been a couple of weeks since I have made a post but let me just recap of what I went through during my time. Over the past few weeks I have been contemplating on wether or not I should attend the product college and fully commit to the move to san francisco. Although there didnt seem any other choice but to do the interview for the product college, I cam across an ad on facebook. I wasnt surprised on how many coding school ads I got a day onto facebook, but this one literally came clutch. I clicked on the link and I was surprised to see that there was another school that fell under the same category under makeschool. It was called lambda academy of computer science, and no its not a calculus class. What shocked me even more was that it was a full online immersive program, I saw nothing but positive reviews for the school. I immediately clicked the apply section, and put in all of my personal information

   Besides all the basic procedures for an application process, there was also a logic test just to see if you're qualified for the school. This is where the fun part comes in, I put my time and effort into the test and some were pretty complex problems. One involved me using a formula that I have once learned in calculus class. Nonetheless, I had finished the logics test, and my application was off, I instantly got an email stating that they would be announcing the acceptances in a few days. I did more research on the school and I saw a caption that showed the acceptance rate for students. They were very picky with students and it worried me the moment I saw the numbers, there was nothing I can do but wait.

  A fast forward few days later, they sent me an email stating that they would send out the acceptance letters by midnight. I was nothing but nervous, and couldnt sleep that night. With everything that was going on, I wanted to get in so bad. With all my goals and the things on my mind, I knew for a fact that it would be my moment to shine if my acceptance came through. Minute by minute and hour by hour, I got the letter back and am now fully admitted into the program :) . With all the soul searching and filling out applications, I finally found the right school for me. I have been in contact with my cohort for the past couple of days now and everyone in the community has been so helpful to me. I couldnt ask for a better school and am ecstatic to start class very soon :). I finally happy to say that I can finally make my comeback as a student and become something I shouldve been all along. The program lasts for 6 months, monday-friday from 9am to 6pm!. The stats look very tough but I believe in myself that I can accomplish this!. Until then my journey is just the beginning to a beautiful start, I am just so happy I found something that was right in my face all along.  


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