Development Using the Firebase console

Hello again Friend,

      Theres 11 days till christmas and I am making the big move on developing my first app. The app that I envisioned is an organization app of fashion photography. This app will consist of an interface that  will allow you to organize your pictures of clothes, so you can have a basic idea of what clothes you would want to wear the next day. The name of the app will be called the 'creative closet' and it will allow the user to mix and match clothes along with that organize outfits that you have matched. i plan to have an endless variety of organization of what you can do with the app. I just started working on the interface, and hopefully everything will go according to plan. Other than the news I have for my startup, I went through some digging of my past work I did back in High School. As I stated in the earlier blog, I have been coding since I was in elementary school and one of the ways I started was by playing around with html and css coding through a social media website titled 'xanga', this social media website started web development for me. Aside the story on how I started, during the final year of high school my class started a group project with a website building framework called drupal.

    Our project was very simple, it was to basically develop a website that can organize carpool situations to and from school, we got to work with a lot of things that the developers do nowadays, we learned about SCRUMS, and working in an orderly fashioned group to develop this website, There was only 2 people that handled the coding and the compiling, and I was one of them. During the year of the project, we went to a drupal coding bootcamp that took place in balboa park in San Diego, I was still in the mindset of an amateur at the time not knowing much about the field, but I was still very familiar with the code and what they were doing. I was very intrigued by everyones work and what they were doing. Now that my experience has come my way and I am more familiar with the field, looking back at what I did was really impressive. Although I did impressive work with drupal and web development, I do not have pictures neither the website, as a matter of fact the website is most likely taken down by now. I just emailed my former high school teacher to see if the work is still up and running or not, but I do have the article of a drupal developer who gave us recognition in a coding news article. I will post a link below, and looking back at the work I did in high school makes myself proud as a coder. Thank you and have a good rest of the day.


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