1st post


     I am currently new a novice to blogging but allow me to introduce myself. My name is Eric Blancas and I am currently a student in programming. I attended csu channel islands but got disqualified due to my regrettable actions in my younger years, coming out of high school I had no idea what I was doing, especially coming out of a high school that didnt have college prep material. I expected college to be much similar to high school, being ignorant as I was back then I was wrong. I had to adapt to the adult hood quickly so I can keep a consistent worth ethic going but it was already too late to make the change, other than self-adjustment issues, I also had relationship issues which I had to attend to which led to a meltdown. In other words leading to my disqualification from csuci, I fought depression for a good 2 years and here I am now. It took me a good year to figure out what I wanted to do and I am proud to say that I am glad that I want to pursue this career. My passion for computers and coding is like an undying fire burning in my heart. I came up with the motto that it doesn't matter how much you know in your study of choice, its how much you love learning it. How much you know comes from experience, but to sit down and talk about computer science all day is what I love. You learn something new everyday, and I just love computer science!, I can go on and on; and I learn something new everyday. I want to show the world that self-taught can get me to a successful point, I want to show the world that you don't need to go college to become a successful programmer. I started this blog because I want to start something new, I started this because I want to make a change and actually pursue in what I love to do. So as of right now I am going to keep an up to date profile of what I develop and the daily events that goes on in my life that deals with the subject at matter. Thank you for your time reading this and I hope you enjoy the rest of the day.

Inspirational story: I was at my local Starbucks searching for oddball jobs in San Diego, this was the point where I got kicked out of college and was looking for something to start with. I saw a man who was about 2 years older than me and was asking about my day. I told him about my oddball job hunting, and he ironically was looking for workers who were willing to learn banking and financial consultant skills. I told him I wasn't interested but we went on with our conversation, I told him about my current standings at my school and what he told me inspired me to do what I am doing today. "If you want a JOB, for example, a lawyer/doctor or want to expand your research(renaissance man), you go to college....but if you want to become wealthy or successful you self-educate yourself, follow your path and always stay on your feet and be persistent, then you will get there", my eyes became watery as I heard this from him. He gave me a hug said "good luck" and walked away.

Upcoming goals:
I plan to register for year up which is a self-improvement program and teaches you technical and coding skills. Walking into their with some skills in programming so I will see what the program is like and I hope it is what I expect it to be.

Coding bootcamp: I also plan to search for a coding bootcamp which will allow me to expand my skills as a developer and to expand my horizons

I am praying that everything will go well for me and I will keep an up to date basis with what goes on in my life.

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