

   Continuing from I last wrote, I have recently made a discovery on these "hackathons" that take place in california and all over the world. These hackathons are there to partner up with people to form an idea or product to showcase to the crowd within the time limit. Its basically a codeathon for product making, you have 36 hours which is basically the whole weekend, and after further research, I decided to do one since reading reviews on how great it was. It will also be a good experience for me and my friend who has never coded before. This will especially be a good experience for him since a lot of people have been to a hackathon before and never coded before, people will learn along the way to be able to make a full fledged product. I have applied us to two hackathons and this should be quite the experience during the summer time, we also have the summer academy as well to keep us occupied. For now, we are on the self learning route and it is going pretty swell, so far what I have learned is more of the science technical side that would make me a true full fledged engineer. Data structures, compression equations, algorithms, loops, binary trees and more!. My self learning route is making me more and more passionate about computer science, and my passion for it will only continue to grow. Until next time. 

-Eric Blancas 


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