A fire has been lit in my eyes and its brighter than ever.

   February 15th, 2018

     Tomorrow will mark the day I graduate from Lambda School. Its been a journey of the past 6 months but I am here to finally say that I have finally completed something. They years I have been going were a rough patch in my life and I am hoping for the better as the years go by. I am more than proud to say that I am a graduate of cs2, that first started off with more than 50 people, and I am one of the final 7 people that made it.

   It wasn't easy to get where I am now, and there were times where I wanted to just give up, but I just kept going. I never gave up even when the tough kept going; I never gave up because I knew exactly what I wanted. Currently now because of some recent events, theres more fire in my eyes than there ever was before. Not only am I fighting for my goals of becoming a software engineer, but to also fight for a change in my life; for a fresh start and for something new. Which is why I decided to aim for New York as my desired city. I am very fortunate to be a part of something so special but I still have a lot of pressures in my personal life and when I'm within the boundaries of a new area, I feel relieved of those pressures . I'm hoping that the move would commence me to having a fresh start and to a new life that I would be excited to wake up to in the morning.

  With all that being said, I am now in the process of preparing for my last demo day with Lambda School. The demo day will actually be in front of hiring partners, so on and so fourth. My objective for tomorrow is to stand out in front of the partners to show them that I have passion for this field. I still have yet to finish up my job search but I hope for nothing but the best and hope that there is something out there for me in the big apple.

- Eric Blancas


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