Its been a while, heres my update

April 24, 2018

     So far the search has been difficult for the past couple of weeks. I have had a couple of lucks in getting interviews but the interviews were a bit challenging as usual, not only that but the fact that I was only applying to New York positions, it made it more difficult because I am not local to the area.

   I spoke with my career advisor in switching up my strategy of finding a job and she concurred that applying to local positions would make it seem easier because of the lesser resources in order to interview potential candidates. So for now I am just applying to local front end developer positions out here in the west, to make it easier on me. 

  In the mean time while I'm waiting for my applications to process through, I did a huge amount of side projects to fill in the time on my coding journey. My portfolio is fully polished, my github looks pretty active justifying from the charts, and also I am learning some new technologies on the side as well.

  One of the more interesting tools that I have recently acquired to the assets is the library of tensorflow js. It is a way of using machine learning models and inherit them into web applications which makes fascinating to use. Problem that I would run into is training the models, since training a neural net would provide a tremendous amount of cpu usage, which is the reasons to why programmers use high powered cpus to train their models. With the amount of work that google has put into the new revamped tensorflow js, you are now able to inherit already trained models into your app!.

  I still have yet to experiment with this new fun tech but it would require me to use angular for client side since react with tensor flow hasn't fully been optimized yet. There is still so much yet to witness including getting my job, but I feel as if I am so close towards my goal.

-Eric Blancas 


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