R.I.P Older Brother

July 9th 2018,

    We all have role models in our lives, people that inspire; to do better. On July 8th, my older brother passed away. It is a difficult time for my family and I as we move on in our daily lives. As of right now I am riding a train back to San Diego, to visit my family. The pain in my chest, the condolences texts that have been going on; it hurts, and I'm not sure I know how to fight this pain back.

   My sister and I don't know how we can face our Mother and our sister in law as they are truly devastated. For now the best thing we can do is fight through this pain and continue to keep our heads high as that is what my brother would want for all of us.

  Jason Blancas, was an interesting older brother growing up. During his younger days he would get into trouble a lot, but at such a young age he was continuing to have fun through his youth. The moment I saw him mature in his human nature, was at the point of age 24/25, which is the same age as I am today. Around that point he knew what he wanted to do and what he wanted to pursue, so he put in the work of becoming a top notch front end developer.

  I remember seeing him spend countless hours working on websites and UI components throughout the night. That was the point where I knew where he matured into the older brother that I could always count on. He has been a big inspiration to me and the things and hobbies he did, I mimic'd. It even led to a point where I discovered what I wanted to do, was basically the same as his.

 I never got the chance to tell my older brother how much he meant to me, but I will continue to be strong and work my ways towards being a top notch developer. I will continue to live your dreams for you by working hard as much as I can, so that one day I will meet you and tell you that 'I did it'.

-Eric Blancas


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