MIA and What I've been up to


It has been quite sometime since I have posted on my blog, and to whoever reads these I do apologize for the delay of my story and what I have been up to for the past couple of months/year.

So to fill people in on what I have been up to, I have met the most amazing woman that has been with me through thick and thin, and has been the been the biggest inspiration of my life including my dog. I feel the luckiest man in the universe to have her as my wife and couldn't as for more, as she has made me into the man that I am today.

Along side of my family, I have been non-stop coding and have recently been acquired by a company called Nexient. I know that my blog has been quite the journey of traveling back and fourth of finding the right path for me and what I want to accomplish in the tech field.

Although this blog has been meant for me acquiring a comfortable position, I have now realized that the title of the dream job shouldn't have been what I was aiming. Although having a good job is part of the goal, the overall picture of what I should've been aiming for is being better at my craft and letting the score speak for itself.

Sometimes in life we get blind sided by the title, benefits and also materialistic needs that gets us side tracked from the bigger picture. Over the years that I have been developing, this should've been the picture from the start.

Don't get me wrong, I am still hungry for learning and knowledge, but because of the way I wanted to pursue software engineering, led me into the longer duration of finding a job.

So for those people that are still looking for their next/first gig, don't focus too much on the job, but yet focus on getting better or getting the skills that will make you attractable to bigger and better companies.

If I were to turn back time, this would've been my intention from the start.


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