Realizing some weaknesses
October 2nd, 2017
For some of the new students that are about to embark on a course that is brutally difficult and hard to keep up with, realize this. For some of us, we may think that pretty much our skills are up to par with the professional industry due to the self-learning route and that we would have a breeze not only in the course but also in the environment. Sadly that is not the case, in order to become a good programmer and developer you must first admit to the fact that you do not know everything, and that there is much to be worked on; not only that but the willingness to learn. With the all the technology that is surrounding us, it is always improving every single day of our lives. We must admit that technology and also computer science can go so into depth, it is impossible to know everything that there is in computer science because there is no skill cap.
These are some of my weaknesses that I will go over, and continue to study upon during the weekends of free time. First and foremost is data structures; data structures is a complex topic to grasp, a lot of theory and study of data structures can take quite some time to master. The theory behind data structures is the component behind the engine and knowing how to solve problems within a data structure will make you a strong strong programmer. Second weakness is most likely databases and backend construction, although I do enjoy learning about the backend, this is technically my first time being exposed to the backend, and first I would like to say, it is pretty difficult. It requires a bit of logic to get the backend going, but I am going to get the reps in as much as I can. Last one isn't really a weakness but its more of what I will continue to work on since I came from a design background and that is the react framework. Using the react framework will continue me to soar through the skies and projects would be endless. Seeing how this was my first framework, it was pretty normal for me to struggle in the beginning, but I adapted to it quickly. There is still things to be worked on and there will always be things to be worked upon, but the first step to being a good programmer is always being open to learning new things.
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