So far so good!

Oct, 26th 2017

     So just recently we got released to work on our personal projects for the cohort. I have been working constantly and thinking hard on what I wanted to do for my personal project. I remember stating that I wanted to do 5 projects, well the number of things that I wanted to accomplish in order to have a good portfolio was impossible so, I decided to just make 2 projects instead of 5 being a hard number to reach in the amount of time that we had. I decided to make a taxi booking application for my react-native side of things and a website for finding marvel comic books with the marvel api.

   I have gotten so much done in the shortest amount of time for the project and it is turning out really well. I used a good amount of packages and dependencies to make the projects work in the ways that I would want it to. I learned also on how to implement redux into react-native as well, instead of the typical ways of returning the actions in the action creator I used redux thunk to return functions to make things a lot more smoother in the process of making the taxi application. Implementing redux and using it was pretty tricky in the react-native environment, but after watching lots of instructional videos and also reading medium articles, I pretty much have gotten used to it by now.

  Secondly for the marvel project, since I have already have access to the api key, I decided to use this utility in my hands. I just decided to go with a regular website for my creation with api key. I fetched a huge amount of characters and lists of comics for everyones 411 on the marvel comic universe. My solution was to create a website that would inform users of the universe instead of looking it up in a wiki page.

These projects were such great ideas, and I hope to create more projects like these in the future. The next step in the process is to deploy these projects, so that I can get some accreditation for the field that I am about to embark upon.

-Eric Blancas


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