Lambda School and Next


    Its been about 3 weeks now since I've last posted, and so far things have been piling up for me to do to become ready for truly what is my goal in sight. My brother has passed, and now it is time for me to continue on his legacy; linkedin or even at a different company!. For now the most important part I need to take care of is getting where I need to go in order to finish what I started about a year ago.

  So far in Lambda School of the necessary skills that I have gained from the program is utilizing my fast learning abilities and apply it to learn new technologies and code base's. Lambda School has been nothing but a great experience, getting my feet wet with under the hood computer science theory and professional web development  practices. They've taught me to break down complex problems and solve them piece by piece in order to construct a well made, professional, and on-time product. Along with special Javascript tooling such as ES6+, redux factoring and json implementation for server blueprinting.

  Obviously the output of the Lambda School is far more of what I expected it to be, compared to a 4 year institution, they've taught that the value of learning isn't just present within the classroom, it's also present while you're on the job as well. Working in the tech field can be very demanding when it comes to the having the latest and greatest tech into your product, which means you would have to play the game of 'stay updated', and constantly learn these new tools that companies invested into their product.

  As of now I will be working along side with the PM's of Lambda Next, as they will provide me the necessary tools to be company ready as a developer and also as a professional. I know that this is my goal to be able to continue my brothers footsteps as he is beloved in linkedin. As part of the requirements, I must provide a blog post each weekday of Lambda Next to provide my PM's and audience of what is to come for me next. I will post regularly as of today, and there will be week by week projects fo what I'm supposed to accomplish by the time I have job. Since I have already completed the project of having a personal portfolio, I must contribute towards an open source project of Lambda Labs.

-Eric Blancas


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