Open source contribution to Lambda Labs


    Its the 2nd day of the Lambda Next program and so far so good with starting a more structured job search. Hopefully with the continuation of this program, it will help students have a more structured job search and also entering the field as either an experienced developer or someone thats just getting into the field.

  With me already completing the first week project which was to create a portfolio to display some of the projects we have worked on throughout the time of Lambda school, I get to move on to the next project which is to make a contribution to a capstone project of a previous cohort that has already graduated. I decided to make contributions towards the hairspray project from CS7, which needed a bit tweaking here and there.

  First thing I noticed when I first launched the project was that there was an error standing that the variable for one of the packages was not being defined. I tried to find out what the problem was until I came across that the variable that wasn't being defined was not installed along with the package it came from. So I proceeded to make certain installations towards the project and rearranged the variables to debug the project.

  Next thing I noticed was that there was no Logout user functionality built into the app. I did the normal routine of building a Logout action, reducer and also the Constant variable which would be its container of being moved around the store. Along with the logout function, I dispatched it towards the user homepage so that it would be ready for use once loaded. I felt like not having a logout functionality in a web app would create vulnerability issues in the long run, as to reasons why I created it for them.

  At first looking at the codebase it was very different from the way that they've organized their code into different directories. For example how they stored they're constant action variables into the same folders of the actions, but usually my method is different. I have would a separate folder for the constants, and import them for better use. A lot of the codebase of redux paradigm is similar to what I usually type but at the same time its different.

  Fixed up the landing page to make sure it stands out, so that the user would be convinced as to why they would want to book an appointment. Added parallax scrolling and a bit of styling on the page as well to add color.

  All in all I thought this was a good experience of getting to know someones different codebase!. Being able to adapt well in someones different work environment goes a long way. The best part of it was getting to know the code, then that way when you test a different code base, you can reference the one you fixed recently in the past.

- Eric Blancas


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