2nd month


    Things are just starting to become more difficult for me as time passes through. As I get more and more concentrated in the work and the progress I want to achieve I feel as if there a lot of things that are just holding me back. I have not mentioned this before but as my current living standards at this point, I am couch hopping at the moment to find a proper place to rent, which is extremely sad for me. It is very hard to concentrate on my school, when the people that I am living with right now is sort of pushing me out and I have a feeling that matters are going to exceed to a higher point, because of a visiting from their parents.

   As of currently right now I don't know where I will end up at this point and as of right now, I feel like the friendship between myself and my roommates (who is a couple , need I mention) is getting more distant. The possibilities of living with these two are coming close to an end and our relationship is coming to a near end as well.

 With everything that is going on right now, I feel as if it is impossible to get things done in the night.
I try my hardest at everything I am passionate about but with things getting in the way, it just makes it seem so impossible to accomplish. Although I feel this way right now, this feeling is not permanent and I will continue to strive and be more persistent than I ever once was. Everything right now that is coming my way, my life depends on it, and if I quit now, I might as well give up in life.

 I have been passionate about this for about 3-4 years now and it excruciatingly difficult to proceed with future progress, but as I stated before I will continue to strive for the stars and try to make as much stuff happen as possible. I need this more than anything right now.



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