Till the very end

   Sept 28th, 2017

      We are getting ready to close our 2nd month and just about to move into our 3rd month of the course. For the new students that are reading this blog, keep in mind that this course is brutally, excruciatingly difficult. If you know for a fact that this is what you want to do and willing to sacrifice a lot of free time, then apply. At the start of the program, I was in a desperate state, I couldn't afford the move to san francisco so makeschool was definitely out of the question. At the time my only move was to attend coding dojo and pull out a 10k loan which was highly risky for my age. Being 23 in the adult world isn't as easy as it looks, people tend to not take you seriously majority of the time, unless you are highly skilled and a hard negotiator, which I am not. Then came Lambda School, I came across the ad on facebook, and I was fascinated by the high amounts of praise for their instructors. I took a look at their website, and then I applied/took the process. Now I am ending my 2nd month here at lambda, I made it this far and I don't intend to stop anytime soon just because I have a dying passion in learning this stuff, no matter how many times I struggle with it, I always come back to loving this stuff.

   As of now we are currently working with the backend still and I feel like I am really getting used to designing api's and the db's. It took a lot out of me just to intake since it was my first time learning this but as persistence and repetition took place, it finally clicked in me. Understanding the concepts of mongoose, post, put, get and delete; this is definitely making my teeth sink into it just because of the fact that this is what employers want majority of the time, writing enterprise code at a very high level.  Now we are working with Authorization, which is related to user accounts and also password security, and as soon as I was able to write the middleware on my own, I was pretty much set. Even just by looking at the url really amazes me, because now I can understand how params work. It is really insane in how much they push you to learn these things which is the main concept of the course. Is to teach you on how to learn quickly, it is a very important skill set to have and I feel very lucky to be a part of this program. I'm really excited to dive deeper into the program, and it's sort of crazy to think this way but just right at the beginning of the program one of instructors mentioned to us that even though we think that the program is going way too slow, eventually you guys will think that the program is going way too fast, and boy was he right. I am going to make the most of this program as much as I can, and I feel like my cohort is getting closer and closer together.



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