Tying ends with the tail


   So far we have completed a 1/3 of the course and still have many things to go over as we proceed to our 3rd month. As of now we are just learning how to develop our first api and for those who don't know an api stands for application programming interface, it is a set of instructions to help the communication of a client and a server. To be honest I think it is a lot more fun to code the backend rather than the front end just because of the fact that I have been coding the frontend for a while now and something new like coding the backend has really caught my eye.

  Just about a week ago, I had the feeling of being burnt out , and wanted to switch out of my cohort. Suddenly it hit me though, I realized that too much of something wasn't good for me, so I decided to take a trip somewhere. I wanted someplace perfect. Someplace that didn't cost too much money and was also fun at the same time. Disneyland was pretty much in my reach, it wasn't too far of a drive, didn't have to take a flight somewhere, and it didn't cost that much for the trip. So I got myself an annual pass and went by myself. It was really weird at first and questioned on how people did something like this; seeing on how disneyland is pretty much a kids thing and that there are 30 year olds that go by themselves, I kept wondering on how they did it. That was until I stepped in the park and I smiled for my picture for security reasons. The lady said that was the nicest picture today, I took a look and realized I haven't seen a smile like that in ages, I then proceeded to have the time of my life.

   It was such a fun experience and now I am honestly thinking about going again this weekend which doesn't surprise me. I think what I plan to do to keep everything special is to conduct 1 big project per month and if I am satisfied with the project and satisfied with my understanding of the content, then I will reward myself with disneyland, just to make things a little more interesting.

 So far so good with the 7th week of lambda, I haven learned a lot so far and the fact that I'm actually getting a computer science education excites me. I am hoping I can put my skills to the test and see if I can put everything into what I just learned over the two months with my first big project.



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