Backend development


    First and for most, I want to thank those for reading my blog. It definitely means a lot to me that you willing to know more about the school that is making such an impact on my life and the process of becoming a developer. We just started our 2nd week of mongodb and what I've noticed is that the process of making an api is getting harder and harder. We learned that promises over callbacks tend to have a cleaner look rather than callbacks, because it makes them easier to read. Also with the more complex web apps that is being built the harder the back end is going to be. This stuff is not easy, but boy oh boy, stuff like this is making me love cs even more. I'm definitely going to have to practice more backend stuff, because programming stuff like this makes me feel even more like a programmer.

  As for the project goes so far we have our first full stack project coming up real soon, so my mind is having mixed thoughts on what I want to do as a project, because this project is going to end up on my portfolio. Since my practices on react are getting better and better, I'm thinking of doing a react vr web application. This is one of facebook's newest technologies, and it would definitely stand out on the portfolio. Only problem with the react vr is that it requires me to get a headset which aren't cheap. So hopefully I'll be able to find a cheap one soon and by then I should be able to complete the vr project.



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